I think Japan has many noodles culture. Ramen noodles, soba noodles, udon noodles, etc. And each noodles have many variation. Then Japanese noodles culture is interesting.
By the way, do you know yakisoba? Perhaps people that know Japanese soba noodles might recognize it is a kind of soba noodles. For example, zaru-soba, tempra-soba, tanuki-soba. However, yakisoba is completely different menu.
In this article, I will introduce about Japanese yakisoba. And I will be happy, if you understand one of noodles culture.
First, the material is completely different. Japanese soba menu, zaru-soba, or tempra-soba is made from buckwheat plant. But yakisoba noodles are Chinese noodles. So the material is flour.
And cooking is different. soba menu is only boiling and add the soba soup. However, yakisoba is boiled, and grilled with ingredients.
So material and cooking are so different.
In fact, yakisoba is made two Japanese words "yaki” and "soba” yaki means grilling, and soba means noodles. So yakisoba means grilled noodles.
By the way, usually yakisoba is grilled on the frying pan. Then it isn't with baked by oven.
And yakisoba is homemade menu. Then shopping ingredients in supermarket, and cook.
Sio yakisoba is grilled Chinese noodles and this salt sauce. And ingredients are meat and vegetables.
Sauce yakisoba and Sio yakisoba are grilled with ingredients. However, ankake yakisoba is separately cooked noodles and creamy sauce, before eating, the sauce should be poured on grilled noodles.
It is famous yakisoba, originally from Yokote city in Akita prefecture.
The menu has been popular recently.
For example, fried egg topped yakisoba is originally fried Yokote, Akita prefecture. The town has original atmosphere. The location is so different from big city like Tokyo.
Actually Akita prefecture is so far from Tokyo. But if you use bullet train, you can go to the town about 5 hours. And in Akita prefecture, you can have good experience in Japanese local atmosphere. This town has some Japanese styled hotel that has onsen.
And if you could think about another town inJapan, you might find another styled yakisoba. So it might be interesting, and exploring trip should be good.
Anyway, I think if you are think about where to go in Japan. If might go exploring yakisoba town. Then this trip might be you are yakisoba master. Yakisoba otaku may be cool. Challenge the yakisoba trip!
By the way, do you know yakisoba? Perhaps people that know Japanese soba noodles might recognize it is a kind of soba noodles. For example, zaru-soba, tempra-soba, tanuki-soba. However, yakisoba is completely different menu.
In this article, I will introduce about Japanese yakisoba. And I will be happy, if you understand one of noodles culture.
1.What is a yakisoba
First of all, I will introduce about yakisoba.1-1.About yakisoba
I had a bit introduced that yakisoba is completely different from other noodles. Then What is the difference yakisoba and another soba noodles.First, the material is completely different. Japanese soba menu, zaru-soba, or tempra-soba is made from buckwheat plant. But yakisoba noodles are Chinese noodles. So the material is flour.
And cooking is different. soba menu is only boiling and add the soba soup. However, yakisoba is boiled, and grilled with ingredients.
So material and cooking are so different.
1-2.What is the meaning of yakisoba
Then do you know that yakisoba meaning?In fact, yakisoba is made two Japanese words "yaki” and "soba” yaki means grilling, and soba means noodles. So yakisoba means grilled noodles.
By the way, usually yakisoba is grilled on the frying pan. Then it isn't with baked by oven.
1-3.Where can we eat yakisoba?
I think you can eat by a food stand. Actually yakisoba is served in Chinese restaurant. But I think Chinese restaurant that can make yakisoba had decreasedAnd yakisoba is homemade menu. Then shopping ingredients in supermarket, and cook.
2.About various yakisoba
There are various yakisoba. I will introduce some variation of yakisoba.2-1.Sauce yakisoba
It is the firstly common yakisoba. It is grilled Chinese noodles with ingredients and a kind of sauce. Ingredients are sliced smaller meat and vegetables. And sauce is based on Worcester sauce.2-2.Sio yakisoba
Sio ( It means sale ) yakisoba is based on the special salt sauce.Sio yakisoba is grilled Chinese noodles and this salt sauce. And ingredients are meat and vegetables.
2-3.Ankake yakisoba
Ankake yakisoba is a different. Usually in this yakisoba, is used creamy sauce that is mixed ingredients.Sauce yakisoba and Sio yakisoba are grilled with ingredients. However, ankake yakisoba is separately cooked noodles and creamy sauce, before eating, the sauce should be poured on grilled noodles.
2-5.Fried egg topped
Sometimes, fried egg topped on sauce yakisoba.It is famous yakisoba, originally from Yokote city in Akita prefecture.
The menu has been popular recently.
2-6.Yakisoba pan ( yakisoba bread )
Yakisoba is sanded with bread. It is called yakisoba pan. It is popular so you can buy convenience store.3.Trip for exploring yakisoba
Yakisoba has many variation. The cooking is flexible and free. So depending on areas or town, there are many kinds. So going to challenge the local yakisoba would be interesting.For example, fried egg topped yakisoba is originally fried Yokote, Akita prefecture. The town has original atmosphere. The location is so different from big city like Tokyo.
Actually Akita prefecture is so far from Tokyo. But if you use bullet train, you can go to the town about 5 hours. And in Akita prefecture, you can have good experience in Japanese local atmosphere. This town has some Japanese styled hotel that has onsen.
And if you could think about another town inJapan, you might find another styled yakisoba. So it might be interesting, and exploring trip should be good.
Anyway, I think if you are think about where to go in Japan. If might go exploring yakisoba town. Then this trip might be you are yakisoba master. Yakisoba otaku may be cool. Challenge the yakisoba trip!