So good! … Conveyor belt sushi restaurant

In old generation, I think about 100 years ago, sushi might not be luxury dish. In Japanese old literary works, sushi was a menu of food cart. In literary works of Naoya Shiga had a write the story.
But, then sushi restaurants are changed to luxury. So common people had not been able to go to the sushi restaurant constantly.
However, opened conveyor belt sushi restaurant, we can go to the sushi restaurant when you like.
Then in this article, I will introduce about conveyor belt sushi restaurant. And I want you to be friendly to Japanese sushi.

1.About sushi restaurant

Sushi restaurants are two styles. General styles a conveyor belt styles there are. How about difference?

1-1.General sushi restaurant

In general style, sushi restaurant is bar style. In this style, customer order his like sushi to the craftsman. And craftsman makes sushi. Then sushi would be served.
Mostly in restaurant, it is not so crowded. And it is expensive.

1-2.Conveyor belt sushi restaurant

In this style, the atmosphere of restaurant is like a family restaurant. many customers are crowded. Sushi is served by conveyor.
And in this restaurant, sushi is not served as their like.Usually favorite kinds of common people are served. So if there are no favorite sushi, customers order the sushi to restaurant stuffs.

2.Advantages of conveyor belt sushi

Then how about advantages are there in conveyor belt styles?


Firstly, it is economic. Usually general bar style, it is expensive. Because the sushi is ordered completely his like. And the quality of sushi is high leveled. Big topping, technique to make, they are so good. Then payment is so expensive.
On the order hand, in conveyor styles, sushi is made sometimes by robot. And topping is not big. But payment is economic. Then if there are not much budget, you can go to the restaurant constantly.


Conveyor belt styles are friendly.
For example, in conveyor styles restaurant, it is a easy to go with little kids.
However, in bar styles, the atmosphere is different so much. Then it is mismatch to family.


Conveyor style is speedy. Because there is almost no ordering. Sushi comes fast.Then you can have a sushi, when you like.

3.About disadvantages

Next, there are disadvantages in conveyor style.


Conveyor style is friendly, but it is noisy.
Because conveyor style is like firmly restaurant. And the atmosphere is not quiet.
Sometimes kids runs in restaurant, and parents get angry.


Conveyor styles sushi restaurant is economic. Then many people crowd. Then sometimes customers have to wait.
I think Saturday and Sunday evenings are crowded usually in Tokyo.

3-3.About wasabi

Sushi contains wasabi. Then it is a little problem. And if you would go to good sushi bar, the craftsman adjust the amount of wasabi.
But in conveyor styles, customer have to adjust the wasabi on themselves. For example, if kids can't eat it by spicy of wasabi, the parents have to remove the wasabi.

4.knowledge of conveyor belt sushi restaurant

I think there are some knowledge that you should memories.

4-1.Timing to take a dish

In conveyor style, you don't have to miss the timing to take the sushi. Because you should not return the sushi to conveyor.
If you would get back, another customer would have bad feeling. Then for keeping atmosphere, you should not miss the timing.

4-2.Local port town sushi restaurant

In big city, like Tokyo, has good sushi restaurant. But if you would go to local town, please challenge conveyor belt sushi restaurant.
Perhaps, the town might be local town, sometimes total level of sushi restaurant might be high. So in such a town,even if conveyor style, it is recommended.

Anyway, conveyor belt sushi restaurant is good to have sushi experience. Then if you would come Japan, go and enjoy!