Electronic outlet in Japan

Nowadays, electronic equipment is absolutely needed for daily life.
Control temperature, cooking, collecting information, etc.
By the way, there are many different about electronic standard. Then, if foreign people would use their countries electronic equipment, it cannot be used in Japan. Then the knowledge of the Japanese electronic basic standard is needed.
So, in this article, I will explain about Japanese electronic basic standard.

1.About  Japanese  electronic basic standard

First of all, I will introduce the basic standard.

1-1.About voltage and amperage

I think the most important knowledge is voltage and amperage. Because, they are involved very much.
Now, Japanese electronic voltage is AC 100 volts. This is less than other countries. In America, it is AC 120 volts, in the UK it is AC 230 volts. I think high voltage is good at sending energy for far areas. But Japan is a not a big country, so high voltage isn't needed. And low voltage is more safety than high voltage that is like another country.
( Meanwhile, there is 200 volts standard in Japan. However, it is not usual. The 200 volts are used by big equipment, like an air conditioner. )
Next, Japanese amperage is depending on contract with electronic company. But usually, 50 or 60 ampere.
On the other hand, old apartments are in a different situation. Sometimes, the amperage is 30 ampere. So in old apartments, you can't use many electronic products.

1-2.About electronic outlet

The outlet in the room is different to other countries one. In Japan, basically, there are two types, the no earth outlet, and containing earth plug.
Usually, no earth type is used by almost of electronic equipment. Then earth plug type is used on dangerous equipment, like a washing machine.

2.Important points

There are important points for using electronic equipment. You have to know some rules.

2-1.License is needed for electrical work 

In Japan, electronic worker has to get the license. The license is about electronic knowledge, law, and technique.
Perhaps, you have some electronic tools and experience of the working. But, in Japan, you can't work without a license.

2-2.Remodeling is prohibition

Perhaps, you might think about electronic equipment in the apartment. For example, the switchboard would be.
But the switchboard is fixed by the contract of electronic company. So you can't remodel it.
And in the switchboard, the voltage is higher. So, remodeling is dangerous.
Then maybe, you might think about making new outlet on the wall. But you can't make another outlet. Because, the license is needed, and usually it is prohibition of contract with the apartment owner.
Meanwhile, sometimes the fire causes the bad electronic work.

2-3.Not too many connecting by one outlet

Usually, in Japanese outlet is limited 15 ampere. And if the amperage of products would be higher 15 ampere, the circuit breaker will cut the power.
So, for instance, when you would work with the computer, if the circuit breaker cuts down the power, your work will be stopped. Then you should take care the how much the ampere of electronic products.

3.Possibility of changing the energy contract

The amperage is limited by the contract with electronic company. So you might think about changing the contract. But the changing is basically so difficult, if you live in the apartment.
Because the management association of the apartments rules the limit of amperage. Then usually you can't be higher the amperage of your room.

Anyway, in the Japan life, you have to take care about the electronic products. Perhaps the planning of electronic equipment would be difficult, the planning is so important.
So by the planning properly, your Japanese life will be good. Then be a struggle!