Eating yellowtail in Japan

Japan is surrounded sea, then people eat fish very well. In fact Japanese people have created various dishes of fish. You know sushi, sashimi, etc.
By the way, actually I know foreign people recognize Japanese people are eating much fish. But I think they don't know, Japanese people eat fish how completely.
I think good fish is fitted to this rule. For instance, yellowtail is a good example.
Then in this article, I will explain Japanese people eat fish how completely to yellowtail general dish and a bit strange one.

1.What is a yellowtail

Firstly I will explain about the fish called yellowtail.
Yellowtail are popular fish by Japanese people. The fish is usually caught around Japan.
And the taste is good, especially in winter. Then yellowtail of winter is known as a high classed fish. So in winter, good yellowtail would be so expensive.
And the fish is loved by many people as tasty food. In fact, yellowtail is used for various menus that you can find in higher classed Japanese restaurants.
By the way, I think there are popular menu and unknown for foreign people.
But, even if it might be unknown menu, the dish is so delicious. And it will be loved by foreign people.

2.Popular menu

Now I will introduce about a popular menu of the yellowtail.
Popular dish of the yellowtail is sushi, sashimi, and grilled.
I think in Japanese restaurants in a foreign country, the yellowtail sushi and sashimi might be popular. Maybe you can eat good yellowtail's menu, in a higher classed Japanese restaurant.
By the way, there are cheap yellowtail and expensive one. Then buying the yellowtail in cheap supermarket and eating in good restaurant are so different of the payment.

3.A little strange menu

On Japanese fish menu, there are strange one for foreign people. Perhaps, in a Japanese restaurant in a foreign country might not have this menu. For example, yellowtail collar and the bony parts are. It would be strange.

3-1.Yellowtail collar

Usually yellowtail is removed the body as sashimi. Then some parts are remaining. And the collar is one of them. Japanese people eat the collar in usual. And the paste is liked by many people. However, I think the eating yellowtail collar is not known by foreign people.
Yellowtail collar is cooked by boiling or grilling.
Boiled collar is cooked with special sauce that is based on soy sauce. So in Japan various fish are boiled with a sauce that based soy sauce, yellowtail also is cooked with it.
On the other hand, grilled collar is tasted with salt. And if you like sour taste, a bit lemons are used.

3-2.The bony parts of yellowtail

I think that bony parts of fish should be thrown away in foreign people's thinking. But Japanese people eat such a part.
Especially the parts of yellowtail are boiled with radish. That is the standard winter's menu in Japan.
Meanwhile, the bony parts are used in cooking yellowtail soup. The soup is also liked by many people.

4.In supermarket

Actually high classed yellowtail is bought by luxury restaurant, but the economic one is sold in supermarkets for boiled or grilling.
And sometimes they are discounted. So people can the fish economic price.
In supermarkets, the fish is packaged with some peace. Then the fish are used without throwing away.
And usually the bony parts are cheaper than sashimi of yellowtail. Then the ingredients are usually to save daily payment.

5.Eating completely

So Japanese people basically eat yellowtail completely. I think the thrown parts are only born.
And this culture extends from the older generation. Especially in old Japan was not so rich. Then in various foods, people use foods almost completely.

Anyway, I want you to know the Japanese eating culture and how to cook yellowtail. If you don't have a lot of money, you can eat good yellowtail dishes.
And the yellowtail menu is fitted to Japanese menu. So with parts of  yellowtail, enjoy the Japanese meal!