Japanese food! Do you know Japanese rice food ochazuke?

Japanese people have many ways of eating rice. I think that ochazuke is one of popular dish, in Japan. But it might not be known by foreign people.
So in this article, I will introduce about Japanese ochazuke. Perhaps you would be more favorite Japanese rice, I guess.

1.What is Japanese ochazuke

First of all, I will explain about ochazuke.

1-1.It is boiled rice with tea

In the dictionary, ochazuke is explained "boiled rice with tea”. It is not explained by difficult words. Only simple 4 words there are.
Ochazuke is so simple menu. Basically it is only the rice that is poured tea. 
Actually there are luxury menus in ochazuke. But usually homemade ochazuke is so simple.

1-2.It is not a rice porridge

Ochazuke is not rice porridge. It is another menu.
The difference is the way of cooking. Usually rice porridge should be boiled with water. But in the ochazuke, it should be poured tea into the rice that is already cooked.

2.Advantages of Japanese ochazuke

Now, what are there Advantages in ochazuke? Let's think about ochazuke's advantages.

2-1.Quick cooking

The biggest advantage is quick cooking.
Ochazuke is only pouring tea. So you need having time to make tea and time of putting rice on the bowl.
Then if you can make a tea within few minutes, I think you can make 5 minutes all of cooking ochazuke. Actually it is needed hot water and rice. But you would have hot water in your pot, and a package of rice, your breakfast could be made quickly.

2-2.Quick eating

You can eat the ochazuke quickly. Because ochazuke is similar to soup.
Actually ochazuke is hot meal. Then you would have to cool. But eating bread and hot coffee, eating ochazuke is faster.

2-3.Various ingredients

Usually, ochazuke is put on some ingredients you like. So you can have the variation of ochazuke. In Japan, many suitable ingredients for ochazuke. Then you can enjoy many kinds of ochazuke.

2-4.Cold rice is OK

Usually cold rice is not liked. So if you want to have a hot rice, you should use microwave.
However, it is OK to eat hot ochazuke, even if cold rice. Becaus, only putting tea into the rice bowl, the rice should be hot.

3.Cooking ochazuke

Now, I will introduce making ochazuke. I think you would know how fast the cooking is.
Almost the direction is below.

1.Put on the ingredients on the rice.
2.Pouring hot tea in the bowl.
3.Congratulations. Your mission of making ochazuke has done.

4.Ingredients of ochazuke

You can choose ingredients as you like. However I introduce popular ingredients of ochazuke.
In fact, the ingredients are put on by several types. For example, umeboshi and seaweed, or salmon and seaweed,etc.

4-1.Umeboshi (pickled plum)

Umeboshi, pickled plum is the most popular ingredients of ochazuke, I guess. 
Actually pickled plum is too sour to eat quickly.
But the pickled plum is in the ochazuke, you can eat it with melting in the tea.

4-2.Grilled salmon

Grilled salmon is also typical ingredients of ochazuke. And usually salted salmon is used.
Actually the salmon would be broken after pouring tea. 


Sashimi is used as ingredients of ochazuke. Usually after putting on the sashimi, and tea would be poured.
I guess tuna is popular ingredients, but for example, sea bream is recommended.

4-4.Cod roe

Cod roe is also recommended for ingredients of ochazuke. I guess simply using cod roe is very good. However, spicy cod roe would be good as using for ochazuke.


Perhaps, seaweed might not be first important ingredient. But it is absolutely needed for ochazuke.
Seaweed has good flavor, and good at its appearance.

5.About tea

Next, in ochazuke, pouring tea is also important. Because the tea add the ochazuke good flavor. 
And you know there are some kinds of tea in Japan. You can use your favorite tea. But I recommend using Japan tea, not Chinese tea.
By the way, typical Japanese tea is below.
  1. Green tea
  2. Genmai cha (Brown rice tea)
  3. Hojicha (Rosted green tea)

6.About instant ochazuke

If you are hard to prepare the ingredients and Japanese tea, I will introduce instant ochazuke. Usually it called ochazuke-nori. Ochazuke-nori contains ingredients that have ochazuke flavor. 
And the way of using ochazuke-nori is so easy. Only sprinkling ochazuke-nori and pouring hot water, you have to do.

Anyway ochazuke is simple and good meal. Especially it is useful breakfast in busy morning. Quick, and tasty ochazuke might charm you.