The changing earthquake-proofing standards in Japan

In Japanese history, we can find many earthquakes. All of them damaged many people. Many foreign people are afraid of living in Japan.

However, Japanese people have lived on this island for thousands of years. And nowadays, living in Japan is very safe, if an earthquake were to come. Actually, there was big damage from the earthquake. But, Japanese society is strong against earthquakes, I think.

Why Japanese society so strong?

I guess one reason is the strength of constructions. In fact, even if a very big earthquake were to come, almost all of the buildings would not be broken. Why will the construction not be broken?

In this article, I will introduce the construction's standards of earthquake proof. Then I think you will have knowledge of why Japanese buildings are strong.

1.About the history of Japanese earthquake

In Japanese history, there were 3 big earthquakes that affected Japanese construction's standards. I will introduce them.

1-1.Great Kanto earthquake of 1923 (Kanto daisinsai)

According to Japanese history books, we can read about earthquakes in old generations. And I think the Great Kanto earthquake of 1923 (Kanto daishinsai) is the most known.

The earthquake struck in the South Kanto area. And about 105,000 people had been badly damaged so terribly.

By the way, this earthquake was so big. But the fire after the earthquake was so terrible, too. In Japanese old houses were almost made of wood. And they were crowded. Then the fire expanded to such a wide area.

1-2.Miyagi prefecture offshore earthquake

Miyagi prefecture is one of the prefectures that was attacked by a big earthquake. In fact, when we look for earthquakes in Miyagi, we can find many earthquakes.

However, if we would check up on the standards of earthquakes, we should see the earthquake in 1978, I guess. It was an earthquake of power 5 of Japanese scale. The magnitude is almost 7.4.

It was seriously damaged. And the problem of the earthquake was taking down the fences that were made of concrete. So many people were crushed by the concrete fences.

1-3.Great Hanshin earthquake

The Great Hanshin earthquake was one of the biggest earthquakes in western areas I think. It was in 1995. And the earthquake of power was 7.

It attacked in the early morning, so many people in the train or car were damaged. The victims were almost 6,000, and people that lost houses were over 100,000.

Due to this earthquake, many buildings were broken. But I was surprised at this earthquake, when the highway fell down. I have some experience with earthquakes. However, I have never seen such a phenomenon of falling down a highway.

2.About the earthquake-proofing standards

Actually, in Japanese history, there were many terrible earthquakes. For example, the Great East Japan Earthquake. Maybe, such a big earthquake would change the earthquake-proofing standards. But the current standards were made from 3 earthquakes.

By the way, how did the standards change due to the earthquake?

I will explain about changing the standards.

2-1.Changing of standards

In old generations, there were no standards about constructions. The standards of construction were changed after changing to modern Japan.

By the way, the first standards were made in 1894. Almost all of them were standards of wooden houses in the generations. I think the standards were not enough. But they were so important thinking about earthquake-proofing.

And the standards were changed by the big earthquake. Then modern standards were made. So the buildings are very safe nowadays. In fact, recent buildings are designed not to fall down if there is a big earthquake that has a power of 6 of Japanese scale. 

2-2.New standards and old standards

Now, when we look for the information of the apartments, you can see when the apartment was built. I guess you can find old apartments that are older than 30 years. On the other hand, there are new apartments. You can choose them freely in your budget.

But in the choosing apartments, you should not forget about the standards of earthquake. So there is a difference in earthquake standard of earthquake, between old apartments and new ones.

The standards changed in 1981. Of course, the constructions that were designed with new standards are strong. So if you are afraid of earthquakes, you should choose a new apartment.

But, the rent of the new apartment is more experience than usual. You should consider the strength and the rent.

2-3.Changing in 2000

By the way, there was a change in the standards of earthquakes on wooden houses. It was in 2000.

There were many changes. For example, how to make foundation, how to join with parts, where to make the windows, there are.

So the wooden houses were stronger than the old one. Then, if you would choose a wooden apartment, I recommend you check when the apartment was built.

Anyway, I think that you can understand the changing standards of earthquakes. And the apartments are built with the standards.

And I think you can choose the apartment without fear.

But, even if old apartments had not fallen down. So many people say the old apartments are not dangerous. And the rent of the old apartments is not expensive.

So, it might be too difficult to decide. But you must choose them. So, do your best!