Eating sushi with economic budget in Japan

Sushi is the most popular food in foreign countries. In fact, when a lot of  travelers would come, they will go to the sushi restaurants. Sushi restaurants are recommended. The meal, and atmosphere would be good experience in Japan.
But, usually sushi restaurants are so expensive. Then, it is difficult to go such a restaurants for the travelers that don't have enough money.
However, are there no idea to have sushi with economic budget?
In this article, I will introduce the idea to save the costs of eating sushi.

1.The payments of good sushi restaurants

First of all, I introduce how much payment in sushi restaurant.

1-1.Good sushi restaurants

Sushi is not general menu nowadays. Sushi restaurants are high-classed. 
By the way, sushi restaurant stuffs are not general cook. They are artisan. Especially the master of good sushi restaurant, is in high leveled craftsmanship. 

1-2.How much would be the payments

Then how much the budget?
It would be depending on restaurant and the menu you would order.
So perhaps you would go good restaurant and order high classed sushi, the budget might be 30000, 50000, or more expensive.

2.Economic sushi you can get easily

Next, there are economic sushi restaurants.

2-1.Conveyor belt sushi

Conveyor belt sushi is the good idea to save the budget. Depending on kinds of sushi, the payments usually would be 1000 ~ 2000 yen. Actually if drinking alcohol, and eating so much, the costs will be increase. However warning the budget, the payment will be saved.
Meanwhile, Taking out is recommended. Because, sitting by the conveyor, people take the sushi endlessly. But if it is take out, it is not endless, so the budget will be saved.


In supermarket, it is possible to buy sushi. Sushi is one packaged and they are fixed. So you can not choose them as you like. But if you want to get a sushi, supermarket will be useful.
And supermarkets discount the products before closing. So if you can get cheep sushi package. Actually, before closing, many people take products quickly. So you might not get it, if you will not hurry up.

2-3.Convenience store

Japanese convenience store is useful. Convenience stores open many place. Especially in big city, you can find them easily.
By the way, convenience stores sell sushi packages. So if you could not sushi package in supermarket, going to convenience store, you can get buy them.
But sushi packages of convenience store are not many kinds. So, you cannot choose them as you like.

3.The dish recommended

In Japan, there are the similar menu to sushi. Actually, they would not be popular sushi. But they are good menu, and to be recommended. So I introduce some menu.

3-1. Chirashi sushi

To be accurate, popular sushi is nigiri-sushi. However, there are some kinds of another sushi menu. Chirashi sushi is representative sushi menu another nigiri-sushi.
The dish is putting sashimi on the rice, in many people's image. But rice is special. And combination of special rice and sashimi would be enjoyable.

3-2.Temaki sushi

Temaki sushi is almost homemade menu. And you can enjoy sushi menu easily.
The direction of temaki sushi is easy. You should prepare the rice for sushi that includes sushi vinegar. And people take the rice, sashimi, and seaweed. Then, they should role by themselves, and eat.
Temaki sushi is possible to make easily, even if kids. So it is enjoy in the whole family.

3-3.Seafood(sashimi) don, Kaisen don

Seafood (sashimi) don, Kaisen don, is not sushi. But it is enjoyable menu, like chirashi sushi.
Seafood don is putting sashimi on rice. But sashimi's variation that you can choose are many kinds. Then you are able to various sashimi with seafood don.

Anyway, even if you have enough budget, you can buy and eat. And if you stay in cheep hotel, taking out the dish, you could enjoy.
But I have one more important recommendation.
You should buy a little bottle of soy sauce, and wasabi. Perhaps there are no soy sauce or wasabi, you can not enjoy sushi menu, I think.